I thought about all of you this past week. Because I really enjoyed my share and I was hoping you did too!

The thankfulness continued throughout the evening when I sat down to dinner with my little family. My husband and I ate a lot of meals in front of the TV when it was just the two of us. But with the arrival of our son, we wanted to make it our habit to share meals together at the table. So far, they've been mostly miserable. Either the baby will scream the whole time, or one of us will have to wait while we feed him or hold him or juggle him or finally concede and walk around the house with him until we can finally switch and eat a cold meal. But Matthias has been getting better at grasping finger foods and feeding himself. And I've learned to keep food in front of him when he's hungry (to stave off the screaming). This night he fed himself small pieces of squash, corn kernels, avocado and watermelon. (Wasn't the watermelon delicious?!?!) And Johnie and I ate at the table with him at the same time, sharing lighthearted conversation. No screaming, no cold food. It was glorious and I feel like I got a glimpse into how pleasant meal time can be for us as Matthias continues to grow and learn (and entertain us). I was especially touched that my friends grew the food we enjoyed as our most pleasant meal experience as a family so far. I even snapped a few pictures for you all to see.
That's more than enough about me and my week though. You're here because you want to know what's in store for YOU this week:
squash (either delicata, acorn or spaghetti)
Room temperature
in fridge, wrapped in a paper towel in crisper
5-7 days
in fridge
1-2 weeks
about a
shucked or
with husks on in coldest part of fridge
enjoy as
soon as possible
washed or
unwashed in fridge
1-2 weeks
store in
an unclosed container in fridge or snip off bottom of stems and immerse in
1-2 weeks
*This week your share will have either eggplant or bell peppers, as well as one of a variety of winter squash.
Here's where I confess I had never really heard of delicata squash. I have heard the name but when Ford told me about it, I wasn't sure if it was a variety of acorn squash or if it was a different type of squash in its own rite. Turns out its a type of squash all its own. And I found this article (and recipe) that makes me VERY excited to try it.
Here are a couple acorn squash recipes from a past season.
I'd love to hear from you about how you are using, or plan to use, you squash! I'm sure many of you are much more experienced than I am. Email me with any recipes, tips or suggestions. amyrosekarr@gmail.com