Monday, July 25, 2016

2016 CSA Week 13

Good evening fellow CSA members!

I hope you all are having a great start to your week and enjoying wonderful food from Sustainable Harvest and other local farms.

Some friends and I were just discussing some responsible food sourcing issues with some major food companies this weekend. I was disheartened when I did a bit of research about it, but it made me even more thankful to know I can trust everything the Waterstrat family grows for us. AND it made me more committed to eating locally.

We've got another great share this week:

summer squash and zucchini
unwashed, in fridge
1-2 weeks
green beans
unwashed, in fridge
3-4 days
room temperature
about a week
sweet corn
shucked or with husks on in coldest part of fridge
enjoy as soon as possible
unwashed, in fridge, wrapped in a paper towel in crisper
5-7 days
unwashed, in fridge
up to two months
bell pepper
washed or unwashed in fridge
1-2 weeks
washed or unwashed in fridge
1-2 weeks
unwashed, in fridge
3-5 days

*This week's CSA lottery is either eggplant OR cabbage. Your share will have one or the other.

I feel like these are ingredients many of us are familiar with using. If you're looking for new ideas stir fries and casseroles are easy go-tos. CSA member Amanda Horn cooked up another casserole (pictured left) this
week using several of the veggies and some pork.

My favorite way to have peppers is stuffed. There are plenty of stuffed pepper recipes, but here is a simple one.

The corn this week is certified organic from SHF. This corn is so sweet Ford encourages people to at least taste it straight from the cob (uncooked). Of course you can boil it and butter it, or grill it, or cut it off the cob and cream it or fry it. I found this recipe for oven roasted corn on the cob that sounds delicious.

If you got a few surprise blackberries in your share last week, you know just how plump and juicy these are. I'm not sure if there will be enough in this week's share to make a full blackberry cobbler (Ford wanted to extend apologies for only having a small amount), but they are so sweet and delicious I just eat them plain... On the way home from picking up my share.

Please keep in touch this week and let me know how you are using your shares! I love to hear from you.

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