Monday, July 18, 2016

2016 CSA Week 12

Hello fellow CSA members!

Are you all enjoying the heat and humidity of summer in Kentucky? I'll let you in on a little secret: While there are some things I like about summer, it is actually my least favorite season. Because of the heat and humidity. (Though I learned from living in Kansas for a few years that it is possible to get so homesick you actually begin missing the mugginess.) But once we get to mid-July my thoughts shift to fall! And eating. I have some tomatoes on my counter now that I hope to make into a batch of chili sauce (I just use a store-bought mix) to can and enjoy when the weather turns cold.

Whether you enjoy your share this week or preserve it for later, we've got a lot of deliciousness coming our way!

summer squash and zucchini
unwashed, in fridge
1-2 weeks
green beans
unwashed, in fridge
3-4 days
room temperature
about a week
small cantaloupe or watermelon
in fridge or room temperature
enjoy as soon as possible
unwashed in fridge
1 week
bell pepper
washed or unwashed in fridge
1-2 weeks
store in an unclosed container in fridge or snip off bottom of stems and immerse in water
1-2 weeks
washed or unwashed in fridge
1-2 weeks

I am SO excited for you all to taste a SHF melon! They are DELICIOUS! And tomatoes, basil and garlic in one basket?!? It's like a trifecta!

I've mentioned before that the blog has been filled with delicious recipes over the years. Amanda dreams that one day the blog will have a searchable recipe database, but until then you can visit posts from the same month in previous years and usually find recipes that will fit with the produce in your shares.

I did some perusing myself this evening and came across a recipe for cucumber feta toast as well as zucchini gratin. Ford mentioned one of the Waterstrat's favorite zucchini recipes to pass along, as well: zucchini cheese squares.

Please continue to share your recipes with me as well. I love getting ideas from all of you!

CSA member Amanda Horn tried eggplant parmesan for the
first time! She was excited that her daughter ate it, too!

We had company one night and I decided
to pull a SHF brisket from the freezer and
add the corn and green beans from the week's share,
along with corn bread made from SHF cornmeal.
I wish I would have taken a picture before I poured the
jus over the mashed potatoes. This was the first brisket
I prepared myself. I was intimidated, but it turned out
pretty well. Johnie gave this meal five broccoli stalks.

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