Good Evening Friends,
We look forward to seeing you at the Farmer's Market from 8-10 AM and at the Farm Tour Tommorow. We know that several of you all will not be able to make the farm tour. We hope that you can make it next year!
Thank you again for your support this season! We truly appreciate your support and friendship and feedback.
Sincere thanks,
Ford Waterstrat
In your basket you will find the following USDA Certified Organic Produce
October 8
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2 # Sweet Potatoes
Amanda made a wonderful dish that used sweet potatoes, butternut squash, tatsoi, and regular potatoes. It was a creation that she developed the other day. We will get a variety to you before Sunday.
Bunch Of Beets
There are several varieties of beets in your basket. There is a Yellow Variety called Touchstone Gold, a Red and White variety called Chiogga, and a standard red beet.
Please let me know which variety that you like and we will try and plant more of that variety next year.
Eat them raw, slice them into a salad, or bake them with your potatoes.
Tatsoi, Swiss Chard, Mustard Greens or Bok Choi
Tatsoi can be eaten raw as a salad or added into any soup, stew or other hot recipe for a nice taste.
We had our first 2 frosts this past week. Frost kills tomato plants, so we went ahead and harvested as many of the tomatoes that we could before the frost. The tomatoes will do well to ripen a little more in the window sill.
We have received feedback that our tomatoes were not the most flavorful this season. I will investigate this matter. I’m not sure if it was because all of the moisture this year, the specific tomato variety, and it could have even been a micronutrient that was not at the right proportion in the soil.
I have soft skin, but feel that feedback from you all is key to providing you all with the produce that you’d like. So please, please, give us feedback .
4 Peppers
Yellow, Green, Orange, and Red
Small Bunch Broccoli
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1# Potatoes
Chieftain Red.
2 Butternut squash
We hope that you try this squash into the recipe that Amanda created.